International week is five days in May where the Erasmus students in Haderslev meet together with students from Comenius programme and have activities together.
We spent our week with students from Portugal, Spain, Italy and Belgium.
Sandra, Helena and I we offered accommodation for one student in our flat so we spent one nice week with Carla from Portugal.
Every day we had a special programme:

All students met together in a big room in school. After we said something about us and had a game to getting to know. Than we had a group dancing, the basic of Danish language and a group work about introduction countries and stereotypes. My group has to write the keywords about Belgium and painted some picture. I was a little angry because some group that presented the Czech Republic said almost the bed thinks in our country and they thought that we are a poverty country. I was hurt because of they meaning but although it were stereotypes. But maybe it is a signal for the Czech Republic that we should make better representation of our country.

On Tuesday we made a trip to the oldest town in Denmark to Ribe. The weather was very nice so we could admire the Ribe Cathedral and the Sct. Catharinae Church. Ribe is a town of Vikings so we could not miss the Vikings museum. After we had a free time for taking a coffee or walking in the very nice picturesque streets.
Wednesday was a day of songs and singing. In the morning we started with song for children. The students from each country had to sing and show some song and say what kind of skills are the children learnt. I prepared with Helena song when you are saying the names of part of body and show them.

After lunch break we spoke about body language and we had small exercise when always one from a group showed some gesture and others tried to explain what it means.
From 18:30 starts the big evening of Eurovision song contest. Every country could prepare some song and made fun for the others. Helena and I we found the Czech song on last moment and we had only two hours and half for preparation the costumes. We chose music from the famous Czech historical film and we also made small performance in our costumes. We did not win the competition but we enjoyed it. The all evening was wonderful and after we had party all foreign students together and we dance and chat.
The day starts with school visit. The day before we were divided to groups and every group had one school for visiting. I was in the Real school and took part in two classes. It was a private school with classes from 0 to 9. In the afternoon we worked on portfolios and shared experiences.
In the morning we had to present our portfolios and said what was interesting for us.
Friday was last day of International week so every country cooked some specialities and we said bye bye.
I enjoyed the week very well. It was very interesting to meet with students from other countries and recognize new costumes and national specialities. With Carla from Portugal I keep in touch and I would like to visit her in the summer.