On the practice I was together with Helena also from the Czech Republic and we staid with the class 1B with eight pupils from first level all the time. We decided to visit the pupils before the start of our practise and brought them some sweets. It was a good idea because when we started on Monday the children knew us and were not so shy.
The children were very nice and we made contact with them very quickly. They have very different problems for example the Yasmmine has the Down syndrome, Martin was born with chromosome problem and Sandra has a low IQ because her mother was drinking when she was pregnant.
Every day starts with the morning songs. All pupils and teachers met together in the hall and sang two songs. When someone had birthday everybody was singing the birthday song. After everybody went to the classrooms and the work started. Every day the children had different programme.
Monday – learning with workbooks and work with paper,
Tuesday – cooking,
Wednesday – music and gymnastic,
Thursday – shopping in the Super Best and learning with workbooks,
Friday – swimming and a special work.
The work with children was especially for improving basic practical skills and how to behave in society. The teachers had a very good relationship with children and they spoke with children about normal life and about experiences from weekend or from holiday.
We spent all activities with children and helped with work in the classroom. Sometimes we had problem with understanding because some of the children spoke Danish language. But we learnt some sights, which the teachers and children use when they speak, and also some Danish words and after the communication were better.
The last day of our practise we prepared some cookies and an activity. The children had to sketch in a drawing of mole from the Czech famous cartoon and after coloured it.
Our stay in the Skolen ved Stadion was a splendid experience and I can imagine working with these children in this school.
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